Wednesday, October 27, 2010

More Is Less or Less is More, What Do You Think??

How you will feel if your girl friend had cardio problems and any surprises or sad things would take her life away? You love her more, she'll have lesser time to breathe on, you love her lesser, the more time she'll live, however, a dull and down time. Both choices had the same ending though. Both ended up the same, heartbreak. If you were in a shoe of this condition, what you'll do?

Here is a movie that I'd like to share with everyone. It tells the story of how a girl would change a life of a ruthless, selfish billionare boy. The enviroment or you can say the setting where this movie is taken is amazing and quite a breathtaking view as well. I enjoy the storyline, especially the ending where you know what is coming but hoping it nit to come. The twist and turn of the story gets me wondering what would happen next.

It's a very touching stories.

(P/S: Bring tissues when you're watching the movie)

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